Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Dear Jackie,
I’ve learned so much from your book! Now let me teach you something. There are many things that cameras are for taking pictures of: new babies, graduations, weddings, nature, Christmas trees, kids with Santa, damage documentation in an accident, hot men you meet on vacation and will never see again, dogs wearing ridiculous outfits, men dressed in drag walking around Chicago, dolphins, high school football games, and so on.

However, there is one thing that cameras are NOT for taking pictures of: overweight women wearing workout clothes that are self conscious about how fat they are and yet they turn so the camera can capture every angle.

Now, granted, I need to have some way to compare and see results through my weight loss progress. But knowing this and caring about this when you finally are faced with the photos are two different things. Just a glance is enough to make me cry! But I’ll be sticking with what you tell me to do, so hopefully these photos will start showing a smile that gets bigger and bigger as my body gets smaller and smaller.

So here are my photos. I realize that I don’t have photos from the very beginning, but people say the camera adds 10 pounds, and I’ve lost 10, so I figure we’re right about even. I’ll keep you posted with new pictures for every 10 pounds lost, and we both better pray that I see results! Now if I can just get my photographer to make me look a little better for the 20 pounds lost photos, we’ll be alright…

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you took the pics as you will want to see the difference in yourself as you go along, its hard but it will be worth it.
